[Dive Comp Overwatch]

Executive Summary

Dive Comp is a fast-paced and aggressive team composition in Overwatch that utilizes heroes with high mobility and damage output to quickly engage and eliminate enemy targets. This article will explore the key elements, subtopics, and strategies involved in effectively executing Dive Comp.


Dive Comp has become a prevalent strategy in Overwatch due to its ability to overwhelm opponents with coordinated dives and burst damage. Understanding the core mechanics and variations of Dive Comp is crucial for teams looking to master this high-impact playstyle.

Core Elements of Dive Comp

Mobility and Burst Damage:

Dive heroes excel at engaging and disengaging quickly, using abilities like Winston’s leap and D.Va’s boosters. They also specialize in burst damage, relying on characters like Tracer and Genji to output high damage in short bursts.

Offensive Coordination:

Dive Comp requires precise coordination and communication between team members. Players need to time their attacks, focus fire on key targets, and cover each other’s flanks effectively.

Support and Sustain:

While Dive heroes primarily focus on offense, support heroes like Lucio and Ana provide essential healing and speed boosts to keep teams engaged and sustained.

Subtopics and Strategies

Dive Targets Prioritization:

  • Supports: Killing supports first eliminates healing and utility, weakening the enemy team.
  • High-Value DPS: Focus fire on enemy DPS with high burst potential to minimize their threat.
  • Low Mobility Heroes: Target characters with limited mobility options to make it easier to dive and eliminate them.

Map Positioning:

  • Vertical Positioning: Dive comps often utilize high ground to gain line of sight and initiate attacks from unexpected angles.
  • Traffic Control: Controlling key areas on the map, such as choke points and objectives, allows Dive teams to disrupt enemy positioning.
  • Flank Routes: Identifying and using flank routes enables Dive heroes to surprise opponents and bypass defense lines.

Ability Management:

  • Coordinated Abilities: Combining abilities like Winston’s barrier and D.Va’s boosters enhances dive potential and damage output.
  • Resource Conservation: Dive heroes have limited abilities, so managing and utilizing them efficiently is crucial.
  • Defensive Countermeasures: Understanding enemy abilities that can counter dives, such as Mei’s freeze or Moira’s Fade, helps anticipate and adapt.


  • Initial Engage: Dive teams typically open with a full-team dive, focusing on eliminating key targets and gaining map control.
  • Mid-Engagement: Maintaining sustained pressure by coordinating dives and peeling for supports is essential.
  • Disengagement: Knowing when to disengage and regroup to preserve resources and avoid overextension is vital.

Team Compositions:

  • Offense: Tracer, Genji, Doomfist, Echo
  • Tank: Winston, D.Va, Hammond
  • Support: Lucio, Ana, Baptiste


Dive Comp is a powerful and versatile composition that can be devastating in the right hands. Teams that master the core elements, subtopics, and strategies outlined in this article will be well-equipped to execute highly effective Dive Comps and dominate Overwatch matches.

Keyword Phrase Tags

  • Dive Comp Overwatch
  • Dive Heroes
  • Burst Damage
  • Mobility
  • Overwatch Strategy