The 21 Game, also known as “Twenty-One,” is a simple card game involving two players and a standard deck of 52 cards. The objective of the game is to be the first player to reach exactly 21 points, or as close as possible to it without going over.
Dealing the Cards: The dealer distributes three face-up cards to each player, one card at a time.
Point Counting: Each card is valued as follows:
- Ace: Worth either 1 or 11 (player’s choice)
- Number Cards (2-10): Face value
- Face Cards (Jack, Queen, King): Worth 10
Blackjack: If a player’s initial three cards total 21 exactly, they have “Blackjack” and win immediately.
Player’s Turn:
- The non-dealer player (player 1) goes first.
- They can choose to “hit” (take another card) or “stand” (stay with their current total).
- If they hit, they receive another card. If the total exceeds 21, they “bust” and lose the game.
Dealer’s Turn:
- After player 1’s turn, the dealer reveals their face-down card.
- The dealer must continue hitting until their total reaches 17 or higher.
Determining the Winner:
- The player closest to 21, without going over, wins.
- If both players go over 21, the player who went over by a lower amount wins.
- In the case of a tie, the game ends in a draw.